
Friday, March 22, 2013

Ladys Finger Stir fry/Stir fried Okra

Ladys Finger is an  inexpensive vegetable that is available round the year.My children are very fond of this vegetable and I make atleast once in a week.My mother used to relate this with the arithimetic power of the brain.More the consumption of this vegi more your arithimetic power..It tastes best with the curd rice..Recently when I got my leg fractured one of the good friend suggested me the ladysfinger medicine.She asked me to soak the cut ladys finger in water overnight.Then drain the vegi and drink the thick water(add little salt/sugar/curd)..This water will make the fractured joint to get set soon.As they don't have any side effects I drank the ladysfinger water for a month and it worked out for me...Thank U H for ur timely suggestion.
There are various methods of stir frying the ladysfinger.I always use the one that don't take lots of time for cooking.Simple addition of onions and garlic adds tastes to the dish..
For the recipe please press READ MORE below..


  • Add salt when u are adding the chilli powder


  • Addition of garlic is Optional.
  • U can add cumin powder,coriander powder.garam masala too and vary the taste.
  • Roasted gram powder can also be added finally to get a crispy taste.
  • After adding curd, the mixture turns little mushy n sticky ,but after few minutes they will turn non-sticky
  • Don't use lady finger soon after washing it.I usually wash it the previous night and keep it out to dry.If u run out of time after washing just wipe it with clean dry cloth
  • After chopping the vegetable u can also keep it in sun to dry/refrigerate for 10 minutes to overcome the sticky nature of the ladysfinger.
  • More addition of chopped onions gives a nice taste to the dish.Shallots (Small Onions)will add more taste than the ordinary onions

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