
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Panna Cotta (Vanilla-Eggless)

(P.S..Very tempting recipe..people who are in diet...please don't look at the shots!!)
I happened to taste this exotic and rich dessert at one of the hotels at Tuticorin.It was so appealing and also tasted too good after a spicy dinner..Next day morning I browsed for the recipe of the dish and was surprised to see the procedure.It was so simple and easy to make...Never ever thought I could make an Italian dish at home...That weekend for a small get together at home I served my friends with this delicious dish and got a great warm applause from all of them ..
Panna Cotta is an Italian dessert made by simmering together cream,milk sugar mixing with gelatin,and letting it to cool till it gets set..I didn't serve it with any coulis and served it simply as such..with a few pomegranates on it.Usually they are served with some sort of coulis like strawberry,blueberry etc..
Panna cotta means "cooked cream" in Italian language..
A perfect dessert for any party..
This is a  very rich dessert and can have once in a while ...Kids will love to have this chilled dessert..And also u will not stop till u finish the bowl and will definetely crave for the next!!
For the recipe please press READ MORE below..


Recipe Source:Joy of Baking

1/4 Cup of Cold milk
2 and 1/4 cups of heavy whipping cream(Double cream)
1/2 Cup of powdered sugar
3 Tsp of gelatin(if it is Indian make)(or else 1 package or 1/4 ounce/7 gms)
1 Tsp of Vanilla extract


Make ready the cups by smearing in with little bit of oil which doesn't have strong smell.U can use either ramekins,bowls or other dessert cups
In a small cup take cold milk and sprinkle gelatine over that and let the mixture to sit for 5-10 minutes.It will get soften,swollen and spongy.

Combine cream,sugar in a saucepan and bring it to boil so that sugar gets dissolved completely.

When the cream mixture is hot,take it away from the flame and add it to the gelatin-milk mixture and mix well till gelatin gets completely dissolved
If the gelatin had not completely dissolved heat it in low flame till gelatin gets completely dissolved
Add vanilla extract and mix well.

Let it cool for 5 minutes.Then pour the cream into the dessert bowls,Cover it with a cling wrap and place it in the refrigerator to chill for 4-6 hours or until it gets set.It took overnight for mine to get set.

Serve it with chocolate berries,fruit sauce or with some other kind of coulis..

Handy Tips:
  • If the cream is thick panna cotta turns out too good.
  • They can be made 1-2 days ahead .
  • Instead of gelatin,agar agar can be used
  • Vanilla bean Pod can also be used instead of the extract..Cut the scraped vanilla pod and put it when u add the gelatin mixture.Then u can strain the vanilla seeds
  • U can also unmould the pudding and serve it with coulis.Or u can serve as such in the ramekins
  • Vanilla bean gives a strong smell than the extract
  • For the berry coulis blend a cup of berries to a puree,strain the seeds,add 1 tbsp of sugar,1/2 tsp lemon juice,simmer in low flame for 2 minutes
  • In case if u are using china grass then use 5 gms for every half liter of milk.
  • The milk used can also be replaced entirely by cream!!


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