
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Paal Payasam / Rice Payasam

Yes…I am back after more than a year.. Nice to catch u up all after so many days. Out of my interest in photography I started this cooking blog .So to learn more on photography I took a year break .There had been calls from friends , dear and nears to restart the cooking blog. So decided to post atleast one recipe a week.
When u have time ,please have a look at my Ra Aa Photography page in facebook
Anything should be started with a sweet... hence..Here comes my Paal Payasam \ Rice Payasam recipe.The recipe seems to be very simple ..But the taste of the kheer is just awesome.I am great admirer of solai Aachi. I came across this recipe in her blog and just followed the steps and successfully made this yummy payasam.
Source: Solai Aachi
Makes: 4-5 Cups
Cooking Time : 25 minutes
6-7 Tablespoons ( heaped ) of Red Rice / Ordinary Raw rice / Par boiled Rice
800 ml of Milk ( I just substituted with 100 ml of water+ 700 ml milk)
250gms of Sugar ( If u need more sweet u can add 300 gms)
A pinch of Elachi Powder
Fried Cashews and Raisins
( Will post the step by step photos soon )
1. In a pressure cooker add rice,milk and sugar.Pressure cooker gives a neat finish for the payasam and it saves our time too.
2. Keep the flame high till the steam comes out through the nozzle.
3. Put the pressure cooker's weight and keep the flame in very low( SIM ) position and allow it to cook for atleast 20-25 minutes
4. Switch off the stove and mash the mixture manually gently
5. Add elachi powder, fried cashewnuts and raisins
5. Serve it hot or chill it and serve it.Both the versions taste exotic
I bet u will give a pat to yourself when u taste this chilled version:))
  • U can use thick bottomed pan too instead of Pressure cooker. Then the cooking time is more and the rice will not get a nice texture

  • As the rice quantity is small when compared with milk use the small burner in sim position to cook this payasam.

  • Chilled one tasted too good than the hot one

  • It tasted similar to that of Aadai prathamam  



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