
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Jam Biscuits (Eggless)

Biscuit Biscuit Jam Biscuit...Enna Jam Co Jam...Enna Co Marugo...Enna Ma Amma....As soon as I saw the word Jam biscuits I remembered the above old game which we used to play during my primary classes...Now the present generations hardly play outside..
This biscuit brought back my golden olden young days where there were less choice for us to select.There were no bottles of Jams that were available readily at shops.We tasted Jam only in the biscuits...But now Jam had become a part of our regular meal!!!
One of my friend wanted a eggless cookies..So while browsing a few blogs,I came across this in raks Kitchen...
Cookies tasted too good and if you want it to be crunchy bake it more for a minute that is given in the preocedure...
For the recipe please press READ MORE below...


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