
Monday, October 8, 2012

Coconut Burfi/Thengaai Burfi

All the windings had been unwinded from my fractured foot and now walking with my leg...For the ones who had not been following my earlier post...I had a bad fall a month back and had recovered completely now...This post is dedicated to all my friends who had been there with me for the past one month.My Humble and heartfelt thanks to all...
All Bad things happen for some good at the end..It is damn true!!!

To celebrate this "Back to action" mood I prepared  the coconut burfi..May be I watched the hindi movie Burfi and hence kindled to make Burfis!!!
During my college days this had been a regular sweet which I use to bring it from my home to my hostel mates..It is very easy to make and a delicious one..
Here comes the easy recipe for the sweet
Pls press "Read More" below for the recipe..


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