
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tomato Rasam/Thakkali Rasam

Rasam is my daughter Yazhini's favourite dish.She loves to drink rasam after her lunch.So I keep trying different types of rasam at home .When I feel lazy to cook i end up at making rasam.As this rasam calls for less amount of tamarind I love to have it..This tastes too good with hot steamed rice.
Instead of making the same type of rasam try this different rasam and enjoy having it..
For the recipe please press READ MORE below..


2 Nos. of medium sized tomatoes
1 Tsp of Tamarind paste or small gooseberry sized tamarind
2 Tbsp of chopped coriander leaves
4 Cups of water.
Salt to taste

To crush coarsely :

1 Tsp of Pepper
4-5 pods of garlic(with the skin)
1 Tsp of Jeera/Cumin

To Temper:
1 Tsp of oil
1 Tsp of mustard seeds
1 Tsp of Jeera/Cumin seeds
2 nos of red chillies
A strand of curry leaves
A pinch of Asafoetida/Hing


Crush coarsely pepper,jeera and garlic(with skin).Keep it aside
Soak tamarind and tomato in water for 20 minutes

Squeeze the tomatoes and tamarind and make a tamarind-tomato water.
Add chopped coriander leaves,salt and mix well.

Heat oil in a kadai.Add items mentioned in To Temper(mustard seeds,jeera,red chilli,curry leaves,hing) one by one.Add jeera only after the mustard seeds burst.
Then add the tomato-tamarind water to the kadai.

Boil it in low flame.Don't let it to boil much.It shouldn't.When the foams lightly add the coarsely crushed powder and give a quick stir.
Leave it for 30 seconds and switch off the flame.
Transfer it to serving bowl immediately and close it with the lid.
Don't leave it to be in kadai for long time.It will lose its aroma
Serve it hot with steamed rice.


  • Crush the ingredients(for coarse crush) coarsely.Don't powder it too much
  • Add the garlic with skin while grinding.It gives an exotic taste and flavour
  • If the tomato is very sour then decrease the quantity of tamarind
  • Don't boil the dish too much.
  • Close the rasam as soon as u cook, to lock the aroma and flavour.Don't let it in kadai for long time.
  • Allow the mustard seeds to burst  when u add it for tempering


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