
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Doodh Peda (3 minute microwave)-Milk Fudge

CooknDine wishes its readers "A very Happy and prosperous New Year 2013".
I am not into much of celebrating the new year...This special post is for all my blog readers.I had been recieving calls from my readers asking me to post a new year special post.So this post is specially for u readers.....
I wonder at people who wait till the new year to make resolutions..Infact if they want something in them to get changed they can start doing it at the moment itself..why should they wait till the new year to come...???
According to me new year is yet another day...with a paid holiday from work!!I had come across people who take resolutions on the first day of the year and forget it after few days itself...As I was brought up by my parents who were atheists..I never consider jan 1 as a special day??!!!These are all my thoughts on the new year celebrations and not imposing anything on you dear readers!!
My blog readers insisted me to post a easy sweet recipe for the newyear..Tirattipaal being a biggest hit among most of them I thought of trying another recipe with the condensed milk!!
Milk Pedas!!! That too a cooked within 3 minutes..Interesting right!!I usually don't like to be at kitchen for looonng hours...This dish is as usual easy to make...and very delicious to eat!!!
For the recipe please press READ MORE..

Cooking Time:3 Minutes
1 and 1/2 cup of Milk Powder(I used Nestle)(1 Cup=240 ml)
400gms of Condensed milk(1 Can of Nestle Milkmaid)
1 Tbsp of crushed pistachios
8 Tbsp of Butter
A pinch of cardamom powder
Another combination:
2 Cups of Milk Powder
1 Can(14 Oz) of Condensed milk
1 Stick(4 Oz) of Butter
 A Pinch of cardamom Powder
1 Tbsp of crushed pistachios
3 minutes of microwave cooking at High
Keep all the ingredients ready.
Crush the pistachios
In a bowl take butter and melt it for 15 seconds till it melts.Don't make it to boil.
 Add milk powder to the melted butter
Add condensed milk,Cardamom powder and mix it well without any lumps. 
Microwave at High for 1 minute
Take it out and stir it.
Then again microwave it at high for 2 more minutes.So totally 3 minutes...
Between minutes stir it. 
The final one should not be sticky.If sticky, microwave it for 30 more seconds.Mine was done in 3 minutes+15 s for melting butter
Leave it out to become warm.
When it is warm knead it well by applying butter on your hands.
Roll out  into small balls and press it in the middle.Make sure there are no cracks
When it is warm add the crushed pista so that it gets stuck.
Cool it and enjoy eating it
Handy Tips:

  • Make sure that there are no lumps when the powder and milk is mixed.
  • Pedas stays good for 2 days.Don't store it for more than that..If you need it then refrigerate it.Before serving bring it to room temperature
  • Instead of pista u can add almonds too
  • The shape can be altered ..U can use cookie cutters to make it into desired shape.
  • If it cracks when u roll it into balls add a drop of milk
  • Stick on to the quantity used ..Slight alteration too will make your Peda sticky and elastic...
  • Microwave settings may differ so cook the kova accordingly..The final kova should not be sticky..If it is sticky microwave it for 3o more seconds.
  • Garnish the pedas when they are warm.Or else it will not stay on it..

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