
Monday, December 24, 2012

Eggless Plum Cake(Eggless No alcohol Christmas Cake)

Christmas is nearing...And my sweet little naughty daughter Y's birthday was 2 days back.I wanted to post a recipe that could match both the requirements.My lil daughter Y always loved fruits n nuts and so the rich plum cake.There is a big story which I keep connecting when she loves to have the plum cake..
When Y was inside my womb ,at the nineth month,dearest friend of mine Menz (whose bday is on 25th December)came home with a plum cake to greet us on occasion of the christmas eve.When she wished Happy christmas to me specifically showing the cake to the baby inside,I suddenly experienced the delivery pain and was rushed to the nearby hospital.So I always mention my sweet darls Y as a christmas baby who came out when she got the smell of the rich plum cake...
So I made this rich plum cake on her birthday.We don't have non-veg items on any special days.So thought of making an eggless plum cake.An eggless cake....No alcohol...My darls delight...what else I need to make my lil angel's bday special...I jumped into the recipe,made it and was a hit with her...She finished the entire cake and just hugged me with love...What else a mother need?!!!!
Please press READ MORE to get into the recipes..

Recipe reference:Divinetaste
Bake at 180 degrees C for 45-60 minutes
1 Cup of All purpose flour (Maida)
1/2 Cup of Butter
1/2 Cup of Sugar
1/2+1/8 Tsp of baking Soda
1/2+1/4 Tsp of Baking Powder
1/2 Tsp of Spice mixture(1 clove+1" cinnamon+pinch of nutmeg--grind all and make it into nice powder)
1/2 Tbsp of Honey or Date Syrup
3 Tbsp of Yogurt/Curd
1/2+1/4 Tsp of Vanilla Essence
1/2 Cup of boiled and mashed Potato
1/2 Cup of water
1 Tbsp of Orange Zest
50 gms of Black Raisins
50 gms of Cashews
25 gms of dates
25 gms of Pista
50 gms of Tutti fruitti
50 gms of almonds
1.Chop all the dry fruits and nuts into fine pieces.Don't mix the nuts and dry fruits.Keep them aside separately.
2.In a non-stick pan add the dry fruits  alone (raisins,dates,tutti fruitti),then butter,honey,sugar and water.Heat it in a low flame till it comes to boil.Boil it for 15 minutes or more, till the dry fruits get softened and also cooked.By this time the mixture would have turned little thick.

Switch off the flame.
Then add 1/8 tsp of baking soda.The mixture will bubble up.
Mix it well and set it to cool for some time.
Take another mixing bowl add the curd,Vanilla essence,Spice powder
Then add the boiled dry fruits mixture,boiled and well mashed potatoes,orange zest.Finally add the chopped nuts(almond,cashew,pista)
Mix well the mixture so that everything gets blended well

Sieve maida,Baking powder,baking soda(1/2 Tsp) two to three times till it is mixed uniformly.
To the mixing bowl add the sieved maida and then mix the mixture well.
The mixture will be little thick.If it is too thick to blend then, add few drops of milk to it to make it to blend
Grease the baking pan with butter and then with maida.I laid butter paper at the bottom of the pan.
Add the blended batter to it And smoothen the top of it using a spatula.
In the meanwhile preheat the oven at 180 degrees C for 10 minutes.
After preheating bake the batter at 180 degrees C for one hour.Keep checking after 45 minutes..
Mine got baked at 45 minutes.Some might take more than that too.So keep checking for every 5 minutes after 45 minutes..

Allow it to cool atleast for 15 minutes.
Then invert it on a plate and cool it completely  for 2-3 hours before slicing
If needed u can decorate the top by spraying some icing sugar(as i did...I used star shaped stencils) or with a deskinned almonds...

Handy Tips:

1.Chop the dry fruits into very small fine pieces.
2.Mash the boiled potatoes finely.Don't add it very hot..Make it to cool
3.If the mixture is too thick add few drops of milk to it and then bake it
4.Cool it completely(for 2-3 hours) and slice it.
5.The dryfruits and nuts mixture can be altered according to your taste
6.The cake doesn't rise much.
7.It took 45 minutes for me to bake this.It might take more according to the oven capacity.So keep checking after 45 minutes still the skewer  inserted comes out dry
8.If the cake is dry wet it with sugar syrup.


  1. no need to beat anything ???

    1. Unlike other normal cakes you don't need to beat it ...

  2. That is a wonderful Christmas Cake. Happy to follow u. If u get time visit my space too.

  3. Hi urgent help plz...... I boiled the dry fruits as u said . If it cools down, it's becoming too thick that u cannot spoon it in to another bowl . It seems to be too hard to mix it up. Where it went wrong ? I have boiled for less than 10 min only .
