
Thursday, December 6, 2012

7 Minute Tirattipal(Microwave)--Celebrating the 10000+pageviews

"There is no love more sincere than the love of food" --George Bernard Shaw

I had been reserving this sweet for a longer time in my drafts.I wanted to post it on some special occasion.But couldn't wait ......I had started this blog few months back to keep a record of all my recipes..I never thought my blog pageviews will hit 10000 hits...
THANK YOU SO MUCH ...please do keep encouraging me...
I was so happy to see 10000+ hits this evening.And I thought this is the apt time to post this dish.
It is dedicated to all my blog readers...Very easy to make and tastes like the original tirattipal made out of milk.This recipe doesn't need much of constant stirring..
Make it within 10 minutes and surprise your guests...It was a major hit among my friends and everyone enjoyed eating this..
Try it and let me know how it turned up too..
For the recipe please press READ MORE below

Take a microwave safe bowl.Let it be a larger one.The mixture begins to froth and will overflow if you take a smaller bowl.
Grease it with the ghee(Clarified butter)
Add the condensed milk to the bowl
Then add thick curd to it.
Mix the mixture thoroughly.
Keep it in the microwave and Cook at MICROWAVE-HIGH  for 7 to 8 minutes.
After 2 minutes start stirring for every 1 minute.
The mixture tends to cuddle after 4 minutes
At 6th or 7 th minute you can observe the cuddling is over and the mixture turns thick.The timing may vary according to the microwave's capacity.
Now take it off the microwave and serve it with grated pista as the toppings...
Enjoy this instant thirattipal..And surprise your guests...
  • Don't cook it for longer time.It will turn very sticky
  • Take a large bowl which is also convenient to stir in between.
  • The timing may vary from a microwave to microwave.
  • Do keep checking regularly for every 1 minute.
  • Stir in between for every 1 minute.


  1. Thanks for the simple receipe...Yummy....Keep rocking

  2. Congrats for 10k hits.. awsome. u r a very inspiring person amuds. hats off!!!

    1. Tk u so much suja for ur encouraging words..keep checking my blog constantly ...

  3. Congrats Amutha for 10k hits ... ur recipes r very interesting, .... keep on...

  4. Amudha, your post was tempting and I surprised my wife with this sweet on our anniversary... It came so good... Thanks for simple recipe... The step by step pics you post is really helpful and inspiring.. Great effort... Kudos to you !!!

    1. Tk u so much sasi for trying it and also to post it here..wishing u a very happy anniversary...keep checking my blog!!!
