
Friday, November 30, 2012

Mysore Pak

This post had been lying there on drafts for many days since diwali.This is HH's favourite sweet.Whenever he visits Coimbatore he brings home a pack of Krishna Sweets mysore Pak.The one I made tasted nearly similiar to that of the one at Krishna sweets.For the ones who are not aware of Krishna sweets..It is a famous sweet shop at Coimbatore which sells very soft and tasty  ghee mysorepak.
BEWARE...This dish consumes lots of ghee..So those whose are diet conscious please skip this post.They would not taste good if the ghee amount is reduced.Once in a while we can make this for any very special occasion.
I made many trials while making this.For the first two trials when I tried to reduce the ghee quantity it turned out very hard.After 2 trials I sticked on to the amount of ghee and was a super hit.So no compromises on ghee quantity..
Yes.. Krishna sweet mysorepak can be made at home...Hurray!!!I was so excited after it turned out so well....
For the recipe please press READ MORE


Cooking Time:30 minutes
Serves:7-8 pieces
Recipe reference:Jeyashri
1 Cup of Besan/Bengal gram flour/Kadalai Maavu
1 and a 1/4 cup of Melted ghee
1 Cup of Sugar
In a pan add a tsp of ghee and fry the besan till the raw smell goes off.It takes 10-15 minutes in low flame.Simultaneously grease the plate into which the mysore pak is to be set.
Sieve the  fried besan flour to remove the lumps.
In another pan add sugar and 1/4 cup of water.Allow it to boil in a medium flame.
In the mean while add the besan flour to the ghee and make it as a solution(See to it no lumps are there).Keep it aside.
Boil till the sugar syrup reaches single string consistency.Check the single string consistency by taking a drop of syrup between the thumb and the index finger.(Be cautious single string consistency is a must)
Now when the syrup reaches single string consistency add the besan flour and stir continously so that there are no lumps formed.
Stir till the mixture leaves from the pan and doesn't stick to the pan.Don't cook for more time too.It may turn more hard
You can add some ghee if u find the mixture to be thick.
Add it to the greased pan and after few minutes cut it to pieces(when it is hot)
Take out the pieces and just enjoy the melting moments!!!
Handy Tips:
  • If u need light yellow colour you can add it to the sugar syrup.I didn't use any colour


  1. Mysore looks perfect . I too made for this deepavali.

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